where food & photography meet
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my studio where I've merged my two loves -- food and photography -- and share them with you. My name is Jenny (aka Jengo) and I am a Photographer and Food Blogger. I shoot portraits of people and food but I also looove to eat and cook. Food is my obsession and experimenting in the kitchen is something I love to do.
Here you can find simple Vegan recipes and learn that a plant based diet doesn't have to be difficult or boring. Food recommendations of my favorite products and local eats can also be found here as well as photography tips, tricks, and behind the scenes. Learn how I make the food and get the shot. My motto is "shoot it then eat it". All food lovers and photography enthusiasts are welcome here - vegan and non-vegan alike.
Comfort food is the name of the game as I try to re-create the familiar tastes of the beloved dishes that I was used to eating prior to adopting a Vegan diet. I have a gluttonous mind for food so if you have a dish that you would like me to make just hop on over to my Instagram and shoot me a direct message @jengo.daily .
I hope you have fun here looking around the blog. I love to see your creations so if you happen to try any of my recipes let me know what you think, how you changed it to make it your own, and feel free to tag me on Instagram. And if you're a food stylist, restaurant owner, or content creator and you dig my style I'd love to work with you. You can contact me over on the gram @jengo.daily. Happy cooking, happy eating, and happy shooting!

Photographer & Food Blogger